September Shows New Record for Renewables as Coal Plunges

The figures generated in September have shown a remarkable change for the National Electricity Market of Australia. The market has witnessed a new record for renewables as major construction increases and converts into additional generation. The figures also show a major decline in brown and black coal.

Renewables Continue to Soar in 2019

An article published on the website of RenewEconomy stated that Australia’s lowest cost fossil fuel generator, Loy Yang A, accounted for only a 50 percent capacity factor last month due to outages at various units. The overall brown coal output also accounted for less than 37 percent of the amount in September 2016.
In contrast, renewable energy has posted 27.9 percent of the market share this month. It was more than a percentage point up on the previous record of 26.6 percent in September and August 2018.
The article also pointed out one interesting part of this all. It is that the record market share last month was attained although the hydro output was 11 percent below its September average. The average was measured from 2006 when Tasmania joined the NEM.
It also reported, “Overall wind generation was 16 percent below the record of around 1,760 gigawatt-hour in July this year, with NEM wind farms achieving an average capacity factor of 34.2 percent 9excluding wind farms currently being commissioned). By way of comparison, it was 40.2 percent in July and the all-time record for NEW wind farms stands at 48 percent (achieved in September 2017).”

Clean Energy Continues to Dominate

With nearly 2,800 megawatts of large-scale solar capacity either existing or in work, the high levels of solar are expected to continue improving. Furthermore, small-scale rooftop solar poses to surpass 2,000 megawatts of installations for 2019. 178 megawatts were added last month alone. Solar capacity factors will also continue to improve as the December solstice approaches.
Also, an additional 4,100 megawatts of wind is still under construction or in the works at this time.
With all these numbers proving that new record for renewables, clean energy will continue to emerge over conventional energy generation, coal and gas should prepare for the continuous decline in wholesale power prices.

Phillip Riley

As renewables soar, jobs in this sector also continues to increase. Phillip Riley can help you find the right candidates for any renewable energy job openings. For more information, visit

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