There can be nothing more gruelling for some businesses than finding the right person for a job. This can prove to be a long process with lots of trials and tribulations. The complexity of finding the right person only increases as you begin to require specific qualifications for roles in renewables, solar, wind or hydro energy industries.
If you’re a business looking to fill a role that operates in any of these industries, Phillip Riley offers a range of permanent recruitment services that can assist in removing the guesswork from the recruiting process, allowing you to focus more on the business rather than filling seats. Our company has a sterling reputation in identifying good talent for all energy sector jobs. Through the use of various internal and external databases and implementing strict criteria for candidates to meet and acting as ambassadors for your brand, we get the right people applying for the energy jobs that your company is looking to fill. Working on behalf of companies and jobseekers alike, our recruiting and staffing firm focuses on innovative and effective methods to bring both parties together. Depending on the nature of the job and the goal of your company, we can provide you with the right methods to have the most successful recruitment process possible. We would love to assist your requirements now and into the future.
Why Work in The Energy Sector
It is not uncommon for us to come across individuals who are qualified to work in various energy sectors. These candidates have a genuine interest in the industry but are yet to commit to applying for an energy job role that can be professionally rewarding. If you’re looking to make an entry into the energy sector, we have placed hundreds of applicants in roles within the industry, witnessing the development of the candidate within the industry. If you require more comfort before taking the plunge and entering a role in the energy jobs sector, think about this, energy is something that will always be needed even if the type of energy transforms over the years. From our experience we’ve seen it as a rewarding industry to be involved in. Provided that energy is continually being innovated as the years go on, this trend will continue to move towards more sustainable sources. As you can appreciate there are plenty of opportunities to grow and expand your knowledge, so it is unlikely that you’ll find yourself idle as there will continually be a scope for progression throughout your career. Despite the common misconception from the outside world of people who haven’t worked in an energy job, roles are not just for engineers or technicians. As we continue to experience a shift in energy consumption, you can’t pick a more fascinating time to jump on board and consider a career in energy.
The Recruitment Process
At Phillip Riley, we pride ourselves on ensuring we match the right person with the right energy job. However, when it comes to the recruitment process there is obviously more that goes on behind the scenes before we can and put you forward to your potential future employer. If you’re new to being engaged with a recruiter, we will share with you, at a high level, what you’re likely to come across. Initially we will assess the candidates’ information and meet them one on one to get a deeper understanding on the role they’re after. From here, once we are satisfied with the right candidate for a specific role, we act as a middle man that liaises with the potential future employer. We will arrange a time for the candidate to meet and discuss company goals in more detail. From here we communicate with both parties, vouch for the most adequate candidate for the role and ultimately be offered a role within the exciting new energy sector.

The Second Edition of Our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge
We’re thrilled to announce the comeback of our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge for its second edition! By participating, you’ll not only hunt for knowledge and inspiration but also actively contribute to spreading awareness about