Let Phillip Riley Place You

As a dedicated specialist in the energy jobs recruitment field, Phillip Riley has assisted many individuals to find their dream job. These prospects have also been able to excel and progress their careers in energy sector jobs. Our job doesn’t just rely on putting your resume forward to a potential employer. There is so much that happens behind the scenes before we go ahead and put you forward for an energy sector job. We will assess your resume to deepen our understanding in your abilities and qualifications. Once we review this, we discuss these abilities with you and what are you trying to achieve with your current skills. Once we understand this, we then begin our own research on matching you with the perfect role and the best employer to help harness your ability today and into the future. We believe in placing applicants into roles that will create a value-adding relationship between both the employee and the employer. This means that when we put any applicant forward for a role, we consider they are vested in achieving the best outcome for their growth. Ultimately we are balancing the relationship with the potential employer and you. If we put you forward as a candidate that isn’t a good fit for a role, this could sour a relationship, which is why we thoroughly vet our candidates in order to give you the best shot at landing your dream job in the energy sector. If you’re looking to break into the energy job sector or looking to make your next move, Phillip Riley works closely with various employers in the energy job market. We often have roles waiting for individuals either looking to enter the field, further their careers or help individuals achieve the job they’re after.
Why Phillip Riley Will Add Value to Your Next Energy Job Search
At Phillip Riley, we focus solely on energy sector jobs and help applicants land their next job in the energy industry. Our value added to any applicant who wants to be part of the energy industry relies on our expertise in the field; we thoroughly understand the needs from employees and some of the technical terms that are used in energy market sector. This allows us to understand the skills you can offer to a potential employer and relay your capabilities to the employer. We explain why do we believe you could be the best applicant for the role. Moreover, we add value in the recruitment process by managing the relationship between you and the potential employer, providing concise points as to why you’re the best potential applicant for the role. We assist you with the negotiation of salary and associated benefits of the role, as we have extensive experience in the area in doing so. Typically, an individual might only discuss salary rates once a year with an employer, but we are regularly having conversations with potential employers to effectively negotiate on your behalf to ensure you’re getting a package that is reflective of your skills and experience.
The Exciting World of Energy Sector Jobs
Whether you’re furthering your career into energy jobs or looking to embark your career in this exciting industry, you will be glad to know that when you choose this path you’ll enter an exciting and dynamic industry. Regardless of your skills and qualifications, there are jobs for pretty much anyone. Whether you’re an engineer, accountant or receptionist, there’s an absolute abundance of energy jobs to be filled. As competition continues increasing more and more, companies are being established providing an offering with various kinds of energy solutions. Furthermore, with the focus in Australia on become sustainable, green and minimising our carbon footprint; there are more and more renewable energy jobs emerging. These roles need to be filled with talent, which could be you. With the abundance of energy jobs, there’s a fantastic scope to progress further into senior positions in the field which allows for career growth for the ambitious. Whichever direction you choose to take your career in the way of growth or if you’re happy coasting a long with similar work each day, the wide range of energy jobs on offer can suit just about anyone’s need.

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