GE, Engie to Set Up Wind Farm in South Australia

On Friday, the two giant companies made public their agreement to provide and set up 32 wind turbines at the Willogoleche Wind Farm. This project will provide essential contributions to South Australia, which presently shoots above 50 percent renewable energy.
The President and CEO of GE Renewable Energy Jerome Pecresse mentioned that GE is working on approximately $2 billion-worth of wind farm projects, which constitutes over 900-megawatts generation capacity. In a statement, Pecresse said, “This is an incredibly important region for GE globally, and we are committed to supporting Australia to achieve its renewable energy goals while maintaining reliable and affordable electricity supplies to businesses and households across the country.”
GE and Engie’s wind farm is the third vital project for South Australia announced as of late. The other two projects are the 220-megawatts photovoltaic project at Bungala by Reach Solar and the 212-megawatts Lincoln Gap wind farm near Port Augusta by Nexif Energy.
Geoff Culbert, GE Australia Chief is confident on the notable progress in the Australian wind industry for this year. Culbert stated, “This will be our fourth wind farm to begin construction in 2017, with more than 300 GE turbines either operating or under construction across the country, capable of powering the equivalent of more than 500,000 Australian homes with renewable energy.”
He further said that the advancements in the renewable energy sector in Australia is encouraging and he hopes to continue providing the best technology in renewables in Australia.
The wind farm at Willogoleche is the first time Engie worked with GE on a project in Australia, and the company’s second wind project in the country. The company is also presently undertaking a shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy generation. Engie closed down one of the most prominent coal-fired generators in Latrobe Valley, Victoria early this year as part of the company’s plan to cease all coal activities.
Matt Donaldson, the interim ENGIE Australia CEO said that the project with GE is a major one for ENGIE because “ it tackles the major challenges in the energy transition.”
Donaldson further added that the partnership guarantees that solutions are state-of-the-art and that their customers can experience advanced technology to satisfy their energy needs.
Read the full report of Reneweconomy here.

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